
Female Jesse x Lukas- Nightmare

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    “Lukas, fight it! I need you to help me fight PAMA!” Female Jesse cried.

    “You bravery is quite impressive, Jesse. I will analyze it when you’ve been made useful,” Lukas spoke in PAMA’s voice.

    Female Jesse pulled out her sword. But even though she was prepared to fight, she couldn’t bring herself to fight Lukas. He’s her friend, and she could never hurt anyone she cared about.

    “Lukas, please! Snap out of it! I need you!” she cried.

    Lukas couldn’t hear her. He was chipped by PAMA, and all he could hear was PAMA’s commands transmitted to his brain, and that command was to grab Jesse and chip her.

    “LUKAS!” cried Jesse.

    Lukas grabbed her and pulled her to PAMA’s machine.

    “NO! PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!” Jesse cried. She was crying when she pleaded for mercy. “LUKAS!” she cried.

    It was too late. The machine activated and Jesse got chipped.

    “Welcome Jesse. Yay,” said PAMA.

    Lukas stared at his chipped friend, and something clicked back in his memories.

    “J-Jesse…” he said.


    “NO!” cried Lukas.

    He sat up after waking up from his nightmare. Lukas let out a sigh of relief when he realized that it was just a nightmare.

    “Oh… It was just a nightmare…” he said.

    He rubbed his eyes as he sat up to see what time it was. It was two am and he couldn’t bring himself to go back to sleep. Lukas got up and stretched his arms. He was exhausted, but he couldn’t sleep. He needed sleep, especially since the group was going on a big expedition soon.

    Lukas quietly walked out his room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. He needed a cup of milk to calm down his nerves. As he walked downstairs, he remembered the shaky experience in the mesa when they had to deal with that crazy computer named PAMA.

    He, Female Jesse, Petra, and Ivor were desperate to return home. They found themselves in that desert with that crazy computer and had to help Harper shut down PAMA.

    Well, Lukas wasn’t with the group to help them stop PAMA. He and Petra got chipped, and Jesse had enough time to unchip only Petra. Lukas was trapped under PAMA’s control, and he couldn’t shake off the feeling. He felt like his head was on fire, but what frightened him was what PAMA made him do.

    He remembered that he nearly killed Jesse while he was under PAMA’s control, and even though she said it wasn’t his fault, Lukas couldn’t forgive himself. Even after they finally made it home, he still couldn’t forget the horrifying experience of almost killing Jesse under a killer robot’s command.

    As he walked downstairs, Lukas spotted Female Jesse’s room. He stopped walking and stood outside, debating whether or not to go and see if she was okay. After a long moment, he was reaching out for the handle to her door. But before he could open it, Lukas remembered the last thing he saw in his nightmare: dragging Jesse to the machine and chipping her, and snapping out of it when it was too late to save her.

    Lukas pulled away from the door. He was afraid that he’d hurt Jesse again and wanted to stay away from her. He started to walk downstairs, but that’s when he heard crying coming from Female Jesse’s room.

    “Jesse?” he said.

    He turned around and walked back to her room. He opened the door and saw her sitting up on her bed. She was crying a bit and covered her face.

    “Jesse, are you okay?” he asked her.

    Jesse looked up at Lukas. Her eyes were a bit red from crying. When she saw Lukas, Jesse gave him a sad smile. She ran over to him and gave him a tight hug.

    “Lukas! I’ve never had a more terrifying nightmare before!” she whispered.

    Lukas hugged her in return. When they let go, Lukas walked Jesse over to her bed. They both sat down.

    “What happened in your nightmare?” he asked her with a worried look.

    “It was back in the mesa. PAMA chipped you, and… after I finished it off, you… you died because of PAMA…” Jesse said sadly.

    Lukas was surprised that Jesse had a nightmare that was similar to his, but with a fear of her own. Lukas patted her on the shoulder.

    “Jesse, I know how you feel. I… I had a nightmare about PAMA as well. Mine was different thought. I… I killed you because PAMA made me…” he said quietly.

    He started to tear up as well. Jesse started to cry again, but she gave him another hug. Lukas immediately hugged her in return.

    “I keep reminding myself that it’s over and that you’re still alive, but sometimes, that experience haunts me. I don’t want to lose you Lukas,” said Jesse.

    “I can’t forget what PAMA made me do as well. I don’t think I can shake off the feeling. I don’t want to lose you as well, Jesse,” said Lukas.

    They let go of their hug. Jesse made a small smile to Lukas.

    “I know… but what matters is that we’re still alive and that PAMA has be shut down. That computer can’t hurt us anymore,” she told him.

    Lukas managed to smile back at her. “You’re right. We can’t let that computer control us even though you shut it down,” he said, almost in a whisper.

    There was a short moment of silence between them, until Jesse said, “Lukas, can you stay with me tonight? I don’t want to have another nightmare…”

    “Heh, I was just about to say the same thing to you,” Lukas said, blushing a bit.

    Jesse blushed in return.

    They both lied down on Jesse’s bed. Lukas turned off the lamp as Jesse pulled the covers on top of them. Once the light was off, Lukas cradled Jesse in his arms.

    The both of them smiled as they drifted back to sleep, in a more peaceful, killer computer-free dream.

Just a little short story I thought I'd make after Episode 7.

I love this ship so much :D

Female Jesse and Lukas belong to TellTaleGames
Short story belongs to me
© 2016 - 2024 mariosonicfan16
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SwanShipper's avatar
Taking a trip down memory lane… this was actually the FIRST Lukesse fanfic I EVER read! This stuff boggled my mind back then😂 (I think I passed my one year anniversary of fanfiction love back in October.)