
MCSM- Pool Party

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It was a hot summer day in the world of Minecraft. It was too hot to go running around somewhere or build something, but perfect for some fun in the sun or a swim.

Jesse was practically excited for this day off. With her, Olivia, Lukas, Petra, and Axel as the new Order of the Stone, they could use a break from all of the adventure stuff and exploring. Just a day of relaxing and hanging out with friends would be nice.

The group was at the temple packing up their swimwear and some fresh water and some food for something they were going to do. Ivor told them that a friend of Soren invited them over to their house for some fun in the sun.

“Are you guys ready to go?” Jesse asked Petra, Lukas, Olivia, and Axel.

“I’m ready to go,” said Axel.

“Me to. Got everything,” said Petra.

“Same here,” said Olivia.

“Yep. I’m good to go,” said Lukas.

“Now where’s-”

Before Jesse could finish up her sentence, a voice from behind her said, “Good! Let’s go!”

“Wah!” cried Jesse.

She jumped back to see that Ivor snuck up from behind her.

“Don’t sneak up behind us!” she snapped at him.

“Sorry. I’m just eager to get going,” said Ivor.

“Um… why?” said Petra.

“Oh, when you see Soren’s new friend, you’ll see…” Ivor said, grinning.

He rushed out of the temple ahead of the others.

“Hey, wait for us!” said Jesse.

She and the others quickly followed after him.


The group started to head out, meeting up with Soren, Gabriel, Magnus, and Ellegaard on the way. Jesse was glad to have the day off with all of her friends, especially Magnus and Ellegaard. After Ellegaard came back when they had that crazy adventure going through a few other universes to find her, the redstone engineer had been spending time with Magnus.

“So, what’s this big news that you and Ellegaard have, Magnus?” Soren asked them, as they walked on.

“Oh, when we get there, you’ll see,” said Magnus smiling.

“By the way, Soren. We’re going to meet a friend of yours. Who is it?” asked Lukas.

“You’ll see…” Gabriel said, grinning.

Soren only remained silent and blushed in embarrassment.

The group continued to walk for a bit until they saw a path made of cobblestone.

“How much farther Soren?” asked Petra.

“Almost there. It’s just that my friend likes to live outside of the town,” said Soren.

“Oh sure, you say ‘friend’, but we know there’s more to that,” Magnus said with a smirk.

“Would you guys just stop?” Soren muttered under his breath.

“Whoa, is that an enderman statue? Looks like your ‘friend’ made you a little something, Soren,” Ivor said with a grin.

The group saw a statue of an enderman standing right next to a gate, which was the entrance to a fenced off area. Someone’s house could be seen right in the background.

“If Aiden was here, he’d say, “It’s just a bunch of dyed wool’,” Lukas joked.

“Speaking of which, he, Maya, and Gill doing okay after they made their word to make up for Sky City?” asked Petra.

“Yeah. They’re okay. Aiden’s working on being a writer. Kate from the Dream Universe is certainly helping him out on that. It’s why they couldn’t come today. They went to visit her so that Aiden could get some pointers,” said Lukas.

“Well, at least they’re doing better now,” said Jesse.

Soren opened up the gate and led the group into the fenced off area. He walked them over to the house in the background.

“Hey Emerald, we’re here,” he said, opening up the door.

Just seconds after he started opening the door, an arrow suddenly shot out from the door. Olivia and Jesse shrieked and jumped out of the way in time.

“AH! IT’S US! IT’S US! DON’T SHOOT!” shouted Gabriel.

Emerald came out. She had a bow and arrow ready, but when she saw the group, she lowered her bow.

“You guys scared the crap out of me! You didn’t knock!” she said.

“Sorry about that…” said Soren. He looked embarrassed.

“Well, as long as no one got hurt, that’s important. Anyway, is this Jesse and her friends?” said Emerald.

“Yeah. I’m Jesse, and these are my friends: Lukas, Petra, Axel, and Olivia,” said Jesse. She walked up and shook hands with Emerald. After she finished shaking Emerald’s hand, the rest of the group shook hands with Emerald.

“Kate? Is that you?” Ellegaard said with a surprised look.

“Ellegaard? I… I thought you died from the Witherstorm,” said Emerald.

“Well that is a long story, but Ellegaard, you know her?” asked Petra.

“I used to live in Redstonia, with my foster parents. My real name is Kate, but after being bullied by everyone except Ellegaard, I left Redstonia, and I changed my name to Emerald as a way to let go of my rough past,” Emerald explained.

“I didn’t find it ridiculous that she loves to write. Her writing reminded me of how Soren and Ivor love to read, so I didn’t find it a joke that Emerald loves to write. I was her only friend back in Redstonia,” said Ellegaard.

“Well, it’s great to see you again,” said Emerald, smiling at Ellegaard.

Ellegaard smiled back.

“Anyway, I’m glad to finally meet you guys. Soren was here the other day and I suggested you all come down to chill out for a day,” said Emerald.

She walked them over to the lake right by her house. The group took a look inside the lake and realized that Emerald had set up the inside to look like a pool. She even built some beach chairs and umbrellas at a few spots by the lake.

“Wow, how’d you dig up the dirt and sand in the lake to replace it with all that iron?” asked Lukas.

“Countless hours of work, and a bunch of water breathing positions,” Emerald said, shrugging her shoulders. “Anyway, if you guys need to change into your swim wear, I’ve got a coupe bathrooms in my house. Go on in if you need to change,” she said.

“I’ll be right back,” said Jesse.

She headed to the house, and Petra, Olivia, and Ellegaard followed her.

“I’ll be right back. I gotta go check on my horses. One of them, Storm, has been trying to be an escapee lately…” said Emerald. She quickly rushed over to the stable she built for her horses.

After Emerald left, Magnus grinned at Soren and said, “Hoping she has a cute suit for today?”

“How many times do I have to tell you that Emerald’s just a friend?! And how can you ask me such a question!?” Soren snapped at him.

“Wait, you like Emerald?” Lukas asked Soren.

“What? Stuff and nonsense!” Soren said, chuckling nervously.

Lukas grinned and said, “Yeah. Sure.”

“You love her! You love her! You really, really love her!” Axel said excitedly.

“Would you quiet down?!” Soren snapped at him.

“So you do like her,” Gabriel said, grinning.

Soren only blushed in embarrassment and started to walk away from his friends. He didn’t want to hear it.

“Don’t deny it, lover boy!” Ivor shouted at him with a smirk.


A little while later, the group started their pool party. A few of them went for a swim in the lake, while a few were relaxing on the chairs in the sun. Ivor was sitting down reading a book, while Magnus and Axel were up to something mischievous.

“Hey Axel, watch this,” Magnus said with a smirk.

He filled a bucket with some water and started to sneak up to Soren. Soren was sitting in a chair and he was fast asleep, right next to the lake.

“TSUNAMI!” Magnus shouted.

He quickly tossed the water on Soren, who woke up started and screamed in panic.

“AHHH!” Soren cried. He jumped out of his chair and landed in the lake. He bumped right into Emerald when he jumped in. Emerald landed on the lake floor face first.

Magnus and Axel were laughing their heads off, while Jesse, Lukas, Gabriel, and Ivor were giggling. Ellegaard, Petra, and Olivia only stared at the guys.

Soren blushed in embarrassment. Emerald got up and saw Magnus and Axel laughing hard. She formed an angry look on her face and walked out of the lake, right over to them.

“Oh crap!” said Magnus.

He tried to walk away quickly, but Emerald grabbed him and tossed him into the lake. Then she pushed Axel into the lake as well. Everyone started to laugh at them.

“Not funny…” Magnus muttered.

“You had it coming, both of you,” Ellegaard told him with a smirk.

Magnus only blushed, while Axel said, “It was just a joke…”

“Well, Soren and I didn’t find it funny,” Emerald snapped at him.

“Yeah, you didn’t find it funny because you like Soren,” Gabriel said with a smirk.

“Oh my god…” Emerald angrily muttered under her breath. She started to blush.

“Wait, do you like Soren, Emerald?” Ellegaard asked with a confused look.

“Stuff and nonsense! Emerald and I are just friends!” said Soren quickly.

“Well, I don’t find it funny at all. If you two do like each other, I find it sweet,” said Ellegaard.

“Really?” Emerald asked, with a small smile.

“She’s smiling. Soren x Emerald is cannon!” said Gabriel.

The smile faded from Emerald. She walked away and back to the lake to go back to swimming around.

“I think their ship name should be Sorald,” Ivor said with a grin.

“I agree,” said Magnus.

“You guys are really immature…” Olivia said with a sigh.

A little while later, the group took a lunch break and had something to eat. While they were waiting before they could go back to swimming, the group decided to play truth or dare.

“Okay, I’ll start. Lukas, truth or dare?” asked Olivia.

“Uh… truth,” said Lukas.

“Do you think Jesse looks cute in her new armor?” Olivia asked him with a smirk.

“Maybe…” Lukas said, blushing. Jesse blushed as well.

“Alright then. Petra, truth or dare?” he said.

“Dare,” said Petra.

“I dare you… to hug the guy that you have secret feelings for,” said Lukas.

Petra blushed, but she hugged Axel, causing him to blush. “Not much of a dare to me, but… Jesse, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” said Jesse.

“I dare you to kiss Lukas on the cheek,” said Petra with a smirk.

“Oh that’s easy,” said Jesse. She kissed Lukas on the cheek, but both she and Lukas blushed. “Magnus, truth or dare?”

“Truth,” said Magnus.

“Did you and Ellegaard have some… history before your group split up?” said Jesse.

“Yep. We were together. And we’re together again. Not much of a challenge for me,” said Magnus.

“Oh…” said Jesse.

“Anyway, Soren, truth or dare?” said Magnus.

“Uh… um… dare!” said Soren nervously.

“I dare you…” said Magnus. He formed a smirk on his face and said, “I dare you to get married with Emerald!”

“What?!” shouted Emerald and Soren at the same time. Both of them blushed.

Gabriel, Ivor, and Axel started to laugh hard, while Jesse, Petra, Lukas, and Olivia tried their best not to laugh.

Only Ellegaard didn’t laugh. “Magnus, I know that was a joke, but that’s still taking it too far…”

“I know. But seriously, Soren! Just admit it! You like Emerald!” said Magnus with a smirk.

“Oh, and it’s no different between you and Ellegaard!” Soren said sarcastically.

Magnus only smirked and showed him his hand. He was wearing a ring and said, “Not intimidating me. Me and Ellie are gonna be together forever.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” asked Lukas.

“Wait, did we forget to tell you guys?” said Magnus. The smile faded from his face. Then he nervously chuckled and said, “Oh yeah. Forgot to share the news, but we’re getting married.”

Ellegaard smiled nervously, but she showed the group her own ring on her hand.

“Oh my gosh! Congrats guys!” said Jesse excitedly.

The group quickly forgot about Magnus’s joke and started to congratulate him and Ellegaard for their engagement.

“Have you guys set up a date yet?” asked Olivia.

“Not yet. We just got engaged a couple weeks ago,” said Ellegaard.

“We’ll figure it out pretty soon for sure, especially since we want to invite our friends from the other universes. They deserve to come to, since if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be back together, along with your help as well. All of you,” said Magnus.

While everyone else was congratulating Magnus and Ellegaard, Soren and Emerald were just relieved that everyone forgot about the joke.


A little while later, it was time for everyone to head back. Emerald cleaned up everything she set up and told everyone goodbye, but while everyone else started to head home, Soren stayed behind to talk to Emerald.

“Sorry about Magnus. He’s just really that cocky,” said Soren.

“It’s alright. I mean, sure he does tease us, but… I don’t think I can last long without his humor. He really knows how to make people laugh,” Emerald said, with a nervous smile.

“Still, I’m happy for him and Ellegaard. He was so off after he thought she was gone forever. But now that she’s back, he’s the luckiest guy ever,” said Soren.

“Yeah, that story you guys told me about. Must’ve been crazy. Wish I was with you, but you know me: too busy mining or something,” said Emerald.

“Yeah. Well, it was great seeing you again Emerald,” said Soren.

“It was great to see you guys as well, and I’m glad I finally got to meet Jesse and her friends,” said Emerald.

“Bye Emerald,” said Soren.

“Bye Soren. I’ll see you around again soon,” said Emerald.

Soren waved good bye and started to walk away. After he made it outside of the gate, he turned around and took a quick glace back at Emerald’s house. He saw her feeding her cats some cooked salmon when he turned around and saw her.

“She’s as cool as ice…” Soren muttered to himself.

“Ah ha! I heard that!” said a voice.

Soren blushed as he turned around. Turns out that the group never left without him. They were waiting by the enderman statue for him.

“Sorald is cannon!” said Ivor with a smirk.

“Hey, can I be the best man at your wedding?” Magnus said to Soren with a grin.

“Let’s just go…” said Soren.

He started to walk ahead of the group.

“Hey man, I’m just kidding,” said Magnus.

Ellegaard walked over to Jesse and said, “Magnus can be an idiot sometimes,” with a nervous smile.

“Yeah, but he’s going to be your idiot, forever,” Jesse said with a smirk.

Ellegaard looked at her ring and said, “Yeah. But that’s what I love about him.”

“Still, even if Soren does like Emerald, I find it sweet to,” said Jesse.

Soren smiled, because he heard Jesse’s comment.

Sometime after the events of the Universe adventure, Jesse and the gang
meet Emerald, Soren's new friend.
The group goes over to meet her and hang out with her, and things
become quite funny XD

All Minecraft Story Mode characters belong to TellTaleGames
Emerald and story belong to me
© 2016 - 2024 mariosonicfan16
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